(20 Mar 2007)
Analysis of timely case-by-case Justice Department data shows that while criminal cases against those the government has classified as international terrorists are sharply down, surprisingly different trends can be seen in the prosecution of domestic terrorists and individuals involved in terrorism-related financial schemes.
Findings on these narrowly focused areas are now available in a special report at the following address: http://tracreports.org/tracreports/terrorism/177 Supplementing this report are a series of monthly bulletins -- currently updated through November 2006 -- on the prosecutions and convictions for international terrorism, domestic terrorism and terrorism financing. The new special report as well as the bulletins were developed for TRAC's public website with the support of Syracuse University, the Rockefeller Family Fund and other funders.In addition to text discussion and relevant tables and graphs, the monthly bulletins contain links to very detailed summary reports about individual cases brought in different federal judicial districts. The information about each case is presented in PDF format and includes information about the investigative agency involved, the lead charge and other charges brought, the names of the federal prosecutor and judge, significant events, and much more. By matching the information from the Justice Department with that in PACER (the computerized record system of the federal courts) additional insights often can be discovered. Note that while the terrorism reports are free, there is a charge for the case detail information about the individual prosecutions and convictions.