(10 May 2007)
In January 2007, there were 490 federal prosecutions of white collar crime, according to timely enforcement data from the Justice Department. Filings in this category are down 13% from the previous month, reaching their lowest level in the last five years.
For reports on the latest enforcement trends, go to: http://tracreports.org/tracreports/bulletins/ In addition to white collar crime, you will also find reports on federal criminal prosecutions and convictions in the following areas: terrorism, narcotics/drugs, immigration, civil rights, environment, official corruption, organized crime, child pornography and government regulation. TRAC continues to offer very detailed summary reports about individual cases for a modest fee. Each summary report includes information about the investigative agency involved, the lead charge and other charges brought, the names of the federal prosecutor and judge, significant events, and much more. January 2007 criminal data are also available to TRACFED subscription users via the Express and Analyzer tools. For more information, go to http://tracreports.org/tracfed . TRAC is self-supporting and depends on foundation grants, individual contributions and subscription fees for the funding needed to obtain, analyze and publish the data we collect on the activities of the US Federal government. To help support TRAC's ongoing efforts, go to: http://tracreports.org/sponsor/