(01 Aug 2007)
TRAC has just made it a little easier to find, track and share information in our warehouse of federal criminal enforcement data.
Each month, using our new Data Interpreter tool, you can obtain a bird's-eye view of the latest data available. You start by selecting whether you're interested in prosecutions, convictions or convictions which have resulted in significant sentences. As you choose your area of interest (federal agency, district, judge, program, detailed program or lead charge) the Interpreter will tell you how many cases there are in the most recent month, and how many more selections are possible in the areas you haven't explored yet.
Browsing in this way is completely free: you don't need to purchase a bulletin to find out if there's information at any level. While there is a modest fee for generating some of the "drill-down" reports, subscribers to our TRACFED data service will incur no additional charge. You can also use the Data Interpreter to access our free top-level bulletins on subjects such as white collar crime, immigration and terrorism, and agencies such as DHS, IRS or FBI.
In yet another new feature, each bulletin contains links to keep you informed on subjects of special interest. You can choose to get monthly updates in one of two ways: either via an RSS feed (which you can add to Google Reader or any other RSS reader) or by email (registration required). In addition, there is now a way to email an excerpt of the bulletin to a friend or colleague. Finally, we've added an RSS page containing hundreds of feeds to which you can subscribe either via RSS or email notification.
TRAC Data Interpreter:
TRAC Monthly Bulletin RSS Feeds:
TRAC is self-supporting and depends on foundation grants, individual contributions and subscription fees for the funding needed to obtain, analyze and publish the data we collect on the activities of the US Federal government. To help support TRAC's ongoing efforts, go to: