(13 Apr 2008)
A special new report shows that the audit rate for corporations with $250 million or more in assets has dropped to its lowest point in the last 20 years.
The report, based on IRS data, further shows that IRS has shifted audit resources from the larger to the smaller corporations. In an unprecedented action, the IRS also is seeking a court order to bar future access to agency statistics that are essential for this report.
TRAC's special analysis was completed at a time when the Bush Administration and Congress -- worried about the state of the nation's economy and the collapse of Bear Stearns -- are debating a variety of possible programs to improve federal oversight of the financial system. To read the report, go to:
Along with the latest TRAC study on the IRS, similarly timely information is available for many other categories of enforcement such as terrorism, immigration, white collar crime, official corruption, drugs, etc. Free reports are also available for major agencies such as the DEA, FBI, and DHS. For the latest enforcement trends, go to:
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