FBI Prosecution Rates Vary Widely Around the Country
(23 Jun 2008) In FY 2007, federal prosecutors across the United States ended up filing criminal charges in slightly more than half -- 55% -- of the matters recommended for such action by the FBI. But according to Justice Department data obtained by TRAC under the Freedom of Information Act, there was a wide district-to-district variation in the proportion of FBI referrals that resulted in an actual filing. At the top of the 90-plus districts was Florida South (Miami), where 77% of the FBI referrals resulted in charges. In the basement was Maine where only 18% made the grade.

FBI prosecution rates also showed some variation among several selected "big city" districts. In New York South (Manhattan), for example, 71% of the Bureau's referrals were prosecuted. This compared with 57% in Illinois North (Chicago) and 40% in California North (San Francisco).

For district-by-district FBI enforcement information on this and other subjects -- such as the makeup of FBI convictions in each district according to Justice Department program categories -- go to:
and click on "District Enforcement."

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