(21 Jul 2008)
New reports on the nation's 200-plus immigration judges are now available. The reports, covering how the judges decided asylum matters in the FY 2002 to FY 2007 period, are based on tens of thousands of very detailed records obtained and analyzed by TRAC under the Freedom of Information Act.
The source was the Executive Office for Immigration Review, an agency within the Justice Department. To obtain the reports, go to:
The reports provide biographic information about the judges, breakdowns on the proportion of asylum matters they decline, and how their records compare with other judges in the base city and for the nation as a whole. Also available are data on the nationality of those requesting asylum and the percent who were represented by counsel.
These reports update previous TRAC reports covering the handling of asylum cases in earlier periods. The declination rates of judges who decided 100 or fewer immigration matters between FY 2002 and FY 2007 are not presented.
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