Still Not Enough Judges to Handle Increasing Immigration Backlog
(18 Jun 2009) A special new report from TRAC has determined that the failure to increase immigration judges -- promised by the Bush Administration in the summer of 2006 -- contributed to a substantial jump in the number of backlogged cases in the Immigration Courts. The report, based on an extensive analysis of hundreds of thousands of records obtained from the Executive Office for Immigration Review under the FOIA, also showed that the waiting time required to dispose of the cases -- many of them involving detained aliens -- has grown much longer. Read the new TRAC report at
This study is one in a continuing series of reports covering various aspects of the Immigration Courts and was supported by the Carnegie Corporation of New York and Syracuse University. Since the series began, major supporters have included Carnegie, the Knight Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the JEHT Foundation and the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr., Fund.

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