Share of Immigration Cases Ending in Deportation Orders Hits Record Low
(07 Feb 2012) TRAC's web-based tools monitoring ICE's exercise of prosecutorial discretion in the Immigration Courts have been updated with court data tracking outcomes through December 2011. Very current data show that deportation orders fell, while individuals allowed to stay in the U.S. rose during October - December 2011. The share of ICE-initiated Immigration Court deportation proceedings resulting in deportation orders -- 64.8 percent -- reached the lowest level in the past 20 years. Results are believed to reflect in part ICE's ongoing review of the court's backlog.

A webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, February 15, at 2:00pm EST to present and discuss these new data and findings. Contact to register.

TRAC's findings are based on case-by-case data obtained from the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) by TRAC under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

TRAC's latest report can be viewed at this address:
For the accompanying data tools which allow tracking by outcome, Immigration Court, hearing location, charge and nationality, go to:
These related monitoring tools have also been updated:
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Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, Syracuse University
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