Top County's Income Drops 43 Percent in Two Years
(26 Mar 2012) Two years ago, the average adjusted gross income (AGI) in Teton County, Wyoming was the highest in the nation at $142,048. But newly released data from the IRS show that in filing year 2010, the average AGI in Teton county had dropped a precipitous 43 percent, down to $80,827.

Using the free Tax Returns application on the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) website, you can examine the kinds of income flowing to taxpayers in every state and the more than 3,000 counties in the United States. Data cover tax filing years 1991 through 2010.

In addition to tax return data, TRAC today is posting updates to much of its data on the Internal Revenue Service, including:

Audits - two applications graphically display changes in the number of audits, both individual and corporate, for fiscal years 1992 through 2011.

Criminal Enforcement - the latest figures from the Department of Justice on the criminal enforcement of cases referred by the IRS, presented with detailed maps, ranking tables, and individual district tables for the United States and each of 90 federal judicial districts.

U.S. Code - an updated list of the most frequently cited lead charges that eventually led to formal charges or convictions.

TRACFED - expanded information and exclusive data analysis tools are available on TRAC's subscription site, as well as information on income by county through filing year 2010. New this year is an updated Civil Enforcement section which includes information on over 6,700 Federal Tax suits filed between FY 2007 - 2011.

These features can all be reached from TRAC's IRS Data Tools and Applications page at:
TRAC's ongoing reporting on the IRS can be viewed at:
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Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, Syracuse University
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