Recent Rise in Federal Suits to Recover Student Loans
(04 May 2012) The latest month-by-month data from the federal courts shows that in March of this year the government reported that it had sued 279 individuals in order to seek recovery of defaulted student loans. According to the timely case-by-case case civil enforcement information analyzed by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC), this count was 25.7% higher than the previous month when 222 cases of this kind were filed.

Relative to its population, the Eastern District of Michigan (Detroit) led the nation with prosecution rates ten times the average for the country. The Central District of California (Los Angeles) led the nation in the number of suits filed, accounting for 140 out of the 279 suits in March.

To read the full report, including a listing of all districts in which lawsuits of this kind were filed in March, go to:
Although many of the reports posted by TRAC over the last two decades have been based on case-by-case criminal data we have obtained from the Justice Department under the Freedom of Information Act, this student loan recovery report is different because it is based on case-by-case civil enforcement data obtained directly from the courts. TRAC has been expanding the information it now obtains from the federal courts, and will be preparing regular monthly reports on a range of other civil enforcement activities by the government.

In addition, subscribers to the TRACFed data service can generate custom reports on civil filings in the U.S. district courts. Reports can be created by district, office, nature of suit or federal jurisdiction. To start, go to:
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Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, Syracuse University
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