ICE Charges Criminal Activity in Fewer Deportation Proceedings
(08 May 2012) Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) continues to cite criminal activity as grounds for deportation less often than it used to, according to the latest Immigration Court data on new deportation proceedings. During the most recent quarter (January - March 2012), ICE sought to deport a total of 5,450 individuals on criminal grounds.

While this number is preliminary and is likely to increase once late reports are in, it represents a drastic decrease compared with 10,732 individuals against whom ICE sought deportation orders just two years ago. This suggests that the announced plan to increase the deportation of serious criminals through Immigration Court proceedings has not been successful.

Not only has the number of criminally charged individuals dropped, but the percentage of all deportation proceedings involving criminal charges has been falling as well. These trends also hold for each of the five nationalities (Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and China) which together account for nearly four out of five individuals against whom deportation charges were filed.

TRAC's findings are based on case-by-case data obtained from the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) by TRAC under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The report can be viewed at this address:
These findings will be among the topics addressed in a free webinar titled "ICE Targeting Trends by Nationality: Latest Immigration Court Data" scheduled for Thursday, May 17, at 2:00 PM (Eastern US). To register for this event, go to:
TRAC's Deportation Proceedings tool lets you view details of the charges filed in deportation proceedings by type of charge, state, nationality, Immigration Court and hearing location. Go to:
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