ICE Prosecutorial Discretion by Location
(19 Jun 2012) As of May 31, 2012 a total of 4,585 cases were closed under a special Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) program announced last August. Under this program, the number of cases closed due to prosecutorial discretion (PD) was up from 2,609 as of the end of March, but still amounted to only 1.5 percent of the 298,173 cases pending before the Immigration Courts as of the end of last September.

The Los Angeles Immigration Court now leads the country with the largest number of closures under this program -- 534. The Denver Immigration Court was second with 401, while the San Francisco Immigration Court was third with 387.

TRAC's latest report can be viewed at this address:
TRAC's findings are based on case-by-case data, obtained from the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) by TRAC under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), which include hearing location as well as the special codes that identified closures under ICE's prosecutorial discretion initiative. TRAC is thus able to provide an interactive tool offering a unique and detailed look at the cases for each court and hearing location as of the end of May. TRAC's tool also provides prosecutorial discretion closures by type, as well as compared with each court's pending caseload. Go to:
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