Drop in ICE Deportation Filings in Immigration Court
(30 Jul 2012) So far this fiscal year, there have been fewer Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) filings for deportation orders than in FY 2011. According to the latest Immigration Court data obtained and analyzed by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) -- current through the end of June 2012 -- new deportation proceedings have been steadily falling since 2009 when ICE filed 255,238 requests for deportation orders.

TRAC projects that filings will reach only 212,749 in FY 2012 once all late reports are in. This would represent a drop of 10 percent -- more than 24,000 cases -- from the previous year, and more than 42,000 fewer than the number of ICE deportation order requests made during FY 2009.

TRAC's findings are based on case-by-case data obtained from the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) by TRAC under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The report can be viewed at this address:
These findings will be among the topics addressed in a free webinar titled "ICE Prosecutorial Discretion: Latest Details on New Immigration Court Filings and Closures" scheduled for Thursday, August 2, at 2:00 PM (Eastern US). To register for this event, go to:
TRAC's Deportation Proceedings tool lets you view details of the charges filed in deportation proceedings by type of charge, state, nationality, Immigration Court and hearing location. Go to:
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