Latest Immigration Court Numbers, August 2012
(13 Sep 2012) TRAC's monthly bulletin on Latest Immigration Court Numbers offers very timely statistics compiled from case-by-case Immigration Court records we receive shortly after the end of each month. This edition, with numbers current as of August 31, 2012, shows that ICE requests for deportation orders continued to slip, but there was a rebound in the number of deportation orders actually issued by Immigration Court judges. Backlog and wait times showed an increase from the previous month, while fewer cases were closed due to prosecutorial discretion than in July. For more details, see the latest bulletin at:
TRAC's web-based tools have also been updated with the latest data so that you can examine each of these topics and get further details by specific Immigration Court, hearing location and (depending upon the specific tool) nationality, charge, and outcome type -- removals, voluntary departures, terminations, relief, administrative closures. Find TRAC's Immigration Tools at
You will always be able to find the latest figures for both the Immigration Court and for criminal immigration cases on TRAC's Immigration site, under the top section headed "Latest Figures." Go to:
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Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, Syracuse University
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