(19 Nov 2012)
The latest available data from the Justice Department show a continuing decline in the number of criminal prosecutions resulting from referrals made by agents of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
During the last 12 months there have been 81,496 such prosecutions filed, nearly 10 percent fewer than in August 2011 when the 12-month total had been 90,139.
Nearly all (over 98 percent) of CBP's enforcment activity originates within the five districts comprising the southwest border with Mexico. And while ICE's enforcement mandate covers the entire US, referrals from these border districts have increased to 52.3 percent of its total referrals, up from 41.4 percent when President Obama assumed office in January 2009. ICE referrals from districts along the northern border as well as interior districts have both declined during the same period.
For full details, go to:
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