(06 May 2013)
Immigration Judges are issuing removal orders at a slower pace than last year, according to the latest (April 2013) data obtained and analyzed by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC).
Only 49,462 such orders have been issued during the first seven months of fiscal year 2013. At this rate, by the end of this fiscal year removal orders will have fallen by 18 percent from last year and by 35 percent from two years ago.
More than one out of every five removal orders were issued by Immigration Courts in Texas. Courts in the states of California and Georgia accounted for the second and third largest number of removal orders, respectively.
For national highlights and the ten states with the greatest volume of such orders go to:
For the latest information on new ICE filings, deportation orders and progress under the prosecutorial discretion program (through April 2013), go to:
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