(11 Dec 2013)
Alleged criminal activity continues to turn up less and less often as the basis for new Immigration Court filings seeking removal orders.
So far in fiscal year 2014, only 13.5 percent of individuals have been alleged to be removable based on criminal activity, according to the latest case-by-case court records through November 2013 obtained and analyzed by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) at Syracuse University. This is down from 14.2 percent during FY 2013 and 15.5 percent in FY 2012.
An even smaller proportion -- 3.6 percent, fewer than one out of twenty-five -- have been charged under aggravated felony provisions so far this fiscal year.
To view annual trends as well as the composition of immigration court charges during FY 2014, see latest TRAC snapshot report at:
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