Surprising Variability in Immigration Detainer Trends by Gender, Nationality
(22 Jan 2014) Very recent government data reveal that while the number of detainers issued by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials has dropped by nearly a quarter (23 percent) since fiscal year 2012, there are striking differences in the trends when viewed by the gender and nationality of the individuals involved. Also, there are wide variations when the source of the detainers -- ICE office, state, and facility -- is considered. For example:

* Detainers issued against females have fallen 32 percent, compared with a 22 percent drop for males.

* Among the sharpest declines in the use of this enforcement mechanism was that against individuals identified as born in Mexico (down 25%). And not all countries saw decreases: detainers were increasingly issued, for example, against individuals from Laos (up 12%) and Haiti (up 9%).

* ICE agents working from the Buffalo area office issued 78 percent more detainers on average each month than they did during FY 2012. On the other hand, agents working from the Miami area office issued 33 percent fewer.

For full details, including numbers of detainers issued against each nationality and from each ICE office, state and facility, see the report at:
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