Mother Nature Swells Louisiana East's Contract Cases
(16 Jan 2015) The eight federal judges who closed the most contract cases in the one-year period ending September 30, 2014 all sit in the Eastern District of Louisiana, according to a new analysis of federal court records by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC). Part of why the district closed so many contract cases for the year is because many insurance claim disputes from Hurricane Isaac were filed there. Louisiana East also appears particularly efficient at closing those cases, doing so faster than any other district in the nation.

That is one series of findings from the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse's most recent analysis of the data in its Judge Information Center, which incorporates statistical information on every federal district judge. The Center currently has data for all of fiscal year 2014, and will soon update to include the full calendar year.

Additional findings from the most recent analysis showed that Judge David R. Herndon of the Southern District of Illinois closed the most cases overall, while Judge James "Rodney" Gilstrap of Texas East had the most closures when multidistrict ligation cases were excluded.

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