Senior Judge Workload Expands
(09 Jul 2015) The workload of federal judges who have retired but voluntarily continue to hear cases has grown by nearly every measure in the past two decades. These senior judges now resolve nearly twice as many cases as they did 20 years ago.

The reason for this increase: while the annual number of cases being funneled into the district courts has been growing, Congress for many years has been reluctant to support the additional "judgeships" regularly recommended by Chief Justice Roberts and before him by Chief Justice William Rehnquist.

The new analysis about the growing role of senior judges -- including the varying workloads they carry in each of the nation's district courts -- was developed on the basis of extensive court data obtained by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC), a 26-year-old non-partisan research organization associated with Syracuse University.

To read the full report on senior judges, including their number and the workload they carry in each judicial district, go to:
The new report is one of a series of public studies on the operations of the courts that are available in TRAC's Judge Information Center located at
Subscribers to the Judge Information Center also have access to extensive and very timely judge-by-judge reports concerning the processing of criminal and civil cases by individual judges.

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Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, Syracuse University
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