(16 Jul 2015)
Results in "women with children" cases before the Immigration Court continue to show that the single most important factor determining outcome is whether or not these individuals are represented in their court proceedings.
For the 14,269 cases concluded as of the end of June 2015, the odds of being allowed to remain in this country are more than fourteen-fold greater if you have representation. In Immigration Court cases closed without representation, only 2.3 percent were allowed to remain in the country. In contrast, for individuals with representation, one third (32.9%) were allowed to remain in the U.S.
The availability of representation continues to vary sharply by Immigration Court. For courts having at least 100 pending cases as of the end of June 2015, representation rates ranged from a high of 72.2 percent in the Boston Immigration Court to a low of only 26.7 percent in the Harlingen Immigration Court. Other courts with at least 100 pending cases where one third or fewer had representation included Charlotte (27.0%), Memphis (31.7%), Portland (31.7%), Dallas (33.0%), and Arlington (33.2%).
For more details, see the report at:
The report is accompanied by a special application with data also updated through June 2015: "Priority Immigration Court Cases: Women with Children" which lets you customize the findings for your specific needs -- by state, specific Immigration Court, hearing location, nationality and by other factors. To use the tool, go to:
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