Removal of Noncitizens on Terrorism Grounds Continues to be Rare
(08 Dec 2015) The removal of a noncitizen via Immigration Court proceedings on the grounds of terrorism continues to be a rare event, as it has been for many years. During the first two months of fiscal year 2016 for example, in matters sent to these courts by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), no removals were sought on the basis of alleged terrorism-related activities.

For all of FY 2015, only two of the 176,397 removal orders requested by the DHS -- about one thousandth of one percent -- were based on terrorism concerns. In FY 2014, DHS sought only three such orders. These extremely low levels of annual counts levels are consistent with the numbers observed during the last four years of the Bush administration.

To view figures for each fiscal year going back to FY 1992 by nationality and court location, go to:
To read TRAC's earlier report comparing the ten years before and after 9/11 go to:
Other court backlog and case disposition data, including priority cases for unaccompanied juveniles and women with children, have been updated through November 2015. Go to:
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