Fewer Voting Civil Rights Lawsuits Being Filed
(29 Mar 2016) The latest available data from the federal courts show that during the first five months of fiscal year 2016 the government reported the filing of 42 lawsuits under the category of voting civil rights. If this pace continues, there will have been fewer such suits filed in the past two years than in any two year period since at least FY 2008. The 15 voting civil rights lawsuits filed in the most recent month of February 2016 represent a 40 percent drop from the level seen five years ago.

So far this fiscal year, the Eastern District of Arkansas (Little Rock) has had the largest number of voting civil rights lawsuits filed, with a total of 4 new cases. Five districts have each had two such cases, and additional 28 districts have had one.

To read the full report on voting civil rights lawsuits, including a timeline of civil filings and district totals through the first five months of FY 2016, go to:
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