(12 Apr 2016)
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) released a total of 325,209 individuals from its custody in fiscal year 2015; over half (55%) were released for deportation.
Another 374,059 ICE "book-outs" involved the transfer of detainees among facilities, for a total of 699,268 book-outs from 637 ICE facilities during the year. As of the end of FY 2015, 39,082 individuals remained in ICE detention.
ICE employed a variety of jails, prisons and other facilities for detaining individuals in its custody, some government operated and others either owned or operated by private companies. Nearly half (49%) of FY 2015 book-outs were from privately run facilities; if temporary stays for holding or staging are not counted, the proportion of book-outs from privately run facilities rises to almost three-fourths (72%).
To read the full report, including state-by-state details, go to:
This overview of ICE's custody system is based on a new analysis of hundreds of thousands of detailed government records obtained by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) at Syracuse University from ICE via the Freedom of Information Act.
In conjunction with this study, TRAC has compiled detailed reports on each of the 637 detention facilities that ICE used last year, covering each facility's use as a transfer point and as a final destination. Each report provides a wealth of details on when and where individuals first entered ICE custody, their length of stay at the facility, and the reasons they left ICE custody from that facility.
To access these reports, including a customizable listing of the names of each facility, how many individuals were detained there last year, and per diem cost (when available), go to:
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