Federal Civil Tax Suits Fall by Half Over Last Decade
(22 Jan 2020) The latest available data from the federal courts show that during the first quarter of FY 2020 (October 2019 - December 2019) the government reported 158 new civil filings of federal tax suits. According to the case-by-case information analyzed by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) at Syracuse University, this number is down by 19 percent over the same period from FY 2019 when the number of civil filings of this type totaled 194.

If filings continue at the same pace for the rest of this fiscal year, total civil tax filings will be 632, down from 736 during the past fiscal year. Ten years ago during FY 2010 there were a total of 1,205 such suits.

There has been a long-term decline in the number of civil tax suits going back at least to FY 2008, when a total of 1,461 suits were filed.

Federal civil tax suits cover a range of issues. Out of the 158 suits filed during the first quarter of FY 2020, a total of 65 (41%) were suits filed against the United States.

The largest number of suits filed during the first quarter of this fiscal year occurred in the Central District of California (Los Angeles) where 16 suits were lodged. The majority (12) of these were suits brought by the United States, with most filed to enforce an IRS summons.

To read the full report, go to:

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