(21 Sep 2020)
With the lead up to the November elections, voting rights litigation in the federal courts has been climbing. During August 2020, a total of 31 new lawsuits were filed. Thus far during FY 2020, a period of eleven months, there have been a total of 202 new voting rights lawsuits.
Records are being broken by the pace of filing particularly during the latest six months. When voting rights filings for the last six months are compared with those for the same period in the last presidential election cycle in 2016, their number is up by 82 percent. Compared with two years ago, the pace of filings is more than three times greater.
According to court information analyzed by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) at Syracuse University, the last six months have seen the highest number of recorded voting rights suits filed since TRAC's systematic tracking of federal civil litigation began in October 2007.
During this past fiscal year, the largest number of suits were filed in the Northern District of Georgia (Atlanta). That district had 15 new filings. Right behind was the Eastern District of Michigan (Detroit) with 13 voting rights lawsuits filed this fiscal year. The Western District of Texas (San Antonio) was third with 10 such suits.
To read the full report which includes a rundown of voting rights lawsuits filed in each judicial district go to:
Each month, TRAC offers a report focused on one area of civil litigation in the U.S. district courts. In addition, subscribers to the TRACFed data service can generate custom reports by district, office, nature of suit or federal jurisdiction with data updated through August 2020. To start, go to:
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