(10 Dec 2021)
The latest available data from the federal courts show that during October 2021 the government reported 29,890 new civil filings. According to the case-by-case information analyzed by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC).
Lawsuits filed each month by veterans claiming that they had suffered hearing loss and other hearing-related problems as a result of defective 3M-supplied earplugs have continued to drive the overall volume of civil litigation in federal court. These veterans' suits are classified as "personal injury — product liability" cases in the federal court data. The veterans' suits, which started being filed in late 2019, claimed that 3M knew these earplugs had defects but sold them to the Army anyway without disclosing this information to the Army or warning the public.
The Northern District of Florida — with close to 5,400 civil filings as compared with just 91 civil filings per one million people in the United States — was the most active during October 2021. The Northern District of Florida was also ranked first a year ago in terms of overall civil filings.
The federal judicial district which showed the greatest growth in the rate of civil filings compared to one year ago — 171 percent — was Western District of Louisiana. As TRAC reported on recently, a large number of these were filed by plaintiffs in federal court in Lake Charles, a community devastated by Hurricanes Laura and Delta in 2020 as well as by flooding, ice storms, and the COVID-19.
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