U.S. Immigration Courts Completed
Nationality | FY 2014 | FY 2015 | Percent Change |
All Nationalities | 184,597 | 198,105 | 7.3% |
Mexico | 69,715 | 62,901 | -9.8% |
Guatemala | 19,854 | 28,601 | 44.1% |
Honduras | 17,960 | 28,330 | 57.7% |
El Salvador | 20,820 | 28,134 | 35.1% |
China | 8,542 | 8,948 | 4.8% |
In contrast, closings involving individuals from three Central American countries have surged. Case completions from Honduras jumped 57.7 percent, those from Guatemala increased by 44.1 percent, and cases from El Salvador rose by 35.1 percent.
China was in fifth place in terms of the number of case closings; this nationality group exhibited a more modest growth rate, with closings increasing by 4.8 percent.
Table 1 provides the number of case closings involving these five countries for FY 2015 versus FY 2014. Taken together, these five countries accounted for roughly four out of every five cases handled by the Immigration Courts last year.
State | FY 2014 | FY 2015 | Percent Change |
Entire U.S. | 184,597 | 198,105 | 7.3% |
California | 32,649 | 37,333 | 14.3% |
Texas | 33,268 | 35,330 | 6.2% |
New York | 19,455 | 20,358 | 4.6% |
Florida | 16,245 | 16,639 | 2.4% |
Georgia | 8,466 | 10,647 | 25.8% |
Arizona | 9,016 | 8,733 | -3.1% |
Louisiana | 4,138 | 6,178 | 49.3% |
Illinois | 6,755 | 6,150 | -9.0% |
Virginia | 4,981 | 5,868 | 17.8% |
North Carolina | 5,318 | 5,280 | -0.7% |
Case Closings by State
The Immigration Courts based in California led the country in closing the largest number of cases during FY 2015. Judges in those courts completed 14.3 percent more cases last year than during FY 2014 — double the national increase. The growth in their volume allowed them to surpass Immigration Courts in Texas, which had handled the most cases during FY 2014.
Listed in Table 2 are the ten states with the greatest number of closings during FY 2015. Among these top ten, a record increase occurred in the Immigration Courts in Louisiana, where closings jumped by nearly half (49.3%). The next largest growth rate of 25.8 percent occurred in the Georgia courts, followed by an increase of 17.8 percent in the Virginia court.
Further Details
For additional details on Immigration Court closings from FY 1998 through the end of September 2015, see TRAC's interactive Immigration Court Processing Time by Charge tool. Information is available on case closings and processing times by state, Immigration Court, hearing location, nationality and charge.
Many of TRAC's other free query tools have also been updated through September 2015. For an index to the full list of TRAC's immigration tools go to http://tracreports.org/imm/tools/.