Putting TRAC to Work
  Legal and Scholarly
Virginia Commonwealth University

The Behavior of Corruption: An Empirical Typology of Public Corruption by Objective & Method
By Jay S. Albanese and Kristine Artello

In this study, only prosecuted cases were used to identify those behaviors considered the most serious forms of corrupt conduct, those that lead to criminal prosecution. We used two different sources of data. We obtained government data from the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC), a nonprofit organization at Syracuse University (http://tracreports.org/tracfed). TRAC obtains federal data using freedom of information requests (FOIA). These data (from which case identifiers are stripped) are reviewed for statistical consistency and have been found to have greater accuracy in capturing the federal effort than agency reports themselves. Cases prosecuted as part of the federal public corruption program were analyzed (using SPSS with the TRAC data) to ascertain the patterns of prosecution over the last 30 years.......[Citing TRAC data and research].

Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, Syracuse University
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