Enforcement of the federal laws designed to protect migratory birds, endangered species, marine mammals and other kinds of wild life has slumped during the Bush Administration, according to authoritative Justice Department data. The decline was documented in an analysis of a special new data base comparing the number of individuals and corporations charged with violating such laws during the first term of President Clinton, the second Clinton term and the Bush years. The data were obtained and analyzed by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC).
Here are the overall numbers During President Clinton's first four years in the White House (FY1993- 1996) federal prosecutors filed felony charges against 840 defendants for violating one of the four dozen laws relating to protecting wildlife. In the second Clinton term, the number of these defendants went up 3% to 867. During the FY 2001-2004 period under President Bush, however, wildlife filings declined by about 20 percent. See graph. (Because the current fiscal year has not yet ended, the counts in the fourth year of the Bush Administration are projected for part of FY 2004. See About the Data.)
An even larger number of defendants were charged with wildlife misdemeanors. Again trends were down during Bush. There were 2,425 defendants prosecuted during the first Clinton administration and 2,519 defendants – up 4% – in the second Clinton term. During the FY 2001 - 2004 period under President Bush, filings fell by 40%. See graph.
Approximately 2,500 additional defendants were charged with petty offenses under the wildlife laws. Unfortunately, government data systems did not routinely record these less serious offenses until well into the Clinton administration's second term. Thus, the same type of time series is not possible here. However, for the period FY 1999 - 2004 we again see a sharp drop off in these less serious prosecutions during the last three years. See graph. The wildlife laws are one of several groupings of environmental statutes that TRAC has examined. In the last two months, for example, TRAC put up one special bulletin examining overall trends with all kinds of environmental enforcement actions and a second one zeroing in on pollution trends. Statute-by-statue counts While the government's overall wildlife enforcement effort is definitely down, the new data base documents that for last 12 years the government's enforcement trends have varied considerably depending on the particular statute under examination. Since petty offenses were not available for this entire time period, these figures focus upon wildlife felonies and misdemeanors.
For the whole twelve years individuals charged under these two laws alone made up about three out of four of the total wildlife prosecutions.