(19 Feb 2025)
On February 14, 2025, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) updated their detention statistics for
the second time during the new Trump administration. According to TRAC analysis, both data releases
featured sections with erroneous numbers or dates.
First, ICE included inconsistent data when reporting on enrollment in Alternatives to Detention (ATD).
ICE most recently reported that 187,394 families and individuals were monitored under the program,
with the San Francisco and Chicago offices monitoring the largest number of people enrolled. These
numbers come with an asterisk. A disaggregated table showing ATD technology by ICE Area of
Responsibility had several errors, with subtotals that did not line up with the primary summary table.
These errors were also present in the detention statistics update that ICE released on February 3,
2025. For this reason, TRAC has chosen to keep
Detention QuickFacts
tools associated with ATD updated as of the previous data release, January 11, 2025. At that time,
188,304 families and individuals were reported as monitored.
The second mistake involved an incorrect date listed in the main reporting section for ICE detention
facilities. Typically, when ICE reports the average daily population numbers, the date when ICE pulls
from their data warehouse is stated plainly in the heading of the spreadsheet. The most recent update
showed this date—January 21, 2025—to be unchanged from the previous update made in early February.
Only a careful perusal of the footnotes reveals that ICE did in fact update the facilities population
statistics through February 8, 2025. Incorrect date listings can seem relatively minor but can lead to
misleading interpretations of the data.
The February 14, 2025, ICE detention statistics update did not report nor make any reference to the
number of detainees at the US facility at Guantánamo Bay.
Highlights from data updated in TRAC's Detention Quick Facts tool show that:
Immigration and Customs Enforcement held 41,169 in ICE detention according to data current as of
February 9, 2025.
22,538 out of 41,169—or 54.7%—held in ICE detention have no criminal record, according to data
current as of February 9, 2025. Many more have only minor offenses, including traffic violations.
ICE relied on detention facilities in Texas to house the most people during FY 2025, according to
data current as of February 8, 2025.
ICE arrested 11,758 and CBP arrested 10,201 of the 21,959 people booked into detention by ICE during
January 2025.
Adams County Det Center in Natchez, Mississippi held the largest number of ICE detainees so far in
FY 2025, averaging 2,154 per day (as of February 2025).
ICE Alternatives to Detention (ATD) programs are currently monitoring 188,304 families and single
individuals, according to data current as of January 11, 2025.
San Francisco's area office has highest number in ICE's Alternatives to Detention (ATD)
monitoring programs, according to data current as of January 11, 2025.
TRAC’s Immigration Quick Facts provides the latest data on
immigrant detention,
immigration court
cases, and
immigration prosecutions
in federal court. Each page includes several key data points alongside a graphic or table, a short
description for context, and a link to more data. Visit
for more information.