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    18 USC Sec. 1752                                            01/05/2009


                  KIDNAPPING, AND ASSAULT


    Sec. 1752. Restricted building or grounds


      (a) It shall be unlawful for any person or group of persons -
        (1) willfully and knowingly to enter or remain in any posted,
      cordoned off, or otherwise restricted area of a building or
      grounds where the President or other person protected by the
      Secret Service is or will be temporarily visiting;
        (2) willfully and knowingly to enter or remain in any posted,
      cordoned off, or otherwise restricted area of a building or
      grounds so restricted in conjunction with an event designated as
      a special event of national significance;
        (3) willfully, knowingly, and with intent to impede or disrupt
      the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions,
      to engage in disorderly or disruptive conduct in, or within such
      proximity to, any building or grounds described in paragraph (1)
      or (2) when, or so that, such conduct, in fact, impedes or
      disrupts the orderly conduct of Government business or official
        (4) willfully and knowingly to obstruct or impede ingress or
      egress to or from any building, grounds, or area described in
      paragraph (1) or (2); or
        (5) willfully and knowingly to engage in any act of physical
      violence against any person or property in any building, grounds,
      or area described in paragraph (1) or (2).
      (b) Violation of this section, and attempts or conspiracies to
    commit such violations, shall be punishable by -
        (1) a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more than
      10 years, or both, if -
          (A) the person, during and in relation to the offense, uses
        or carries a deadly or dangerous weapon or firearm; or
          (B) the offense results in significant bodily injury as
        defined by section 2118(e)(3); and
        (2) a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more than
      one year, or both, in any other case.
      (c) Violation of this section, and attempts or conspiracies to
    commit such violations, shall be prosecuted by the United States
    attorney in the Federal district court having jurisdiction of the
    place where the offense occurred.
      (d) None of the laws of the United States or of the several
    States and the District of Columbia shall be superseded by this
      (e) As used in this section, the term "other person protected by
    the Secret Service" means any person whom the United States Secret
    Service is authorized to protect under section 3056 of this title
    when such person has not declined such protection.


    (Added Pub. L. 91-644, title V, Sec. 18, Jan. 2, 1971, 84 Stat.
    1891; amended Pub. L. 97-308, Sec. 1, Oct. 14, 1982, 96 Stat. 1451;
    Pub. L. 98-587, Sec. 3(b), Oct. 30, 1984, 98 Stat. 3112; Pub. L.
    103-322, title XXXIII, Sec. 330016(1)(G), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat.
    2147; Pub. L. 109-177, title VI, Sec. 602(a), (b)(1), Mar. 9, 2006,
    120 Stat. 252.)


      2006 - Pub. L. 109-177, Sec. 602(b)(1), substituted "Restricted
    building or grounds" for "Temporary residences and offices of the
    President and others" in section catchline.
      Subsec. (a)(1). Pub. L. 109-177, Sec. 602(a)(1)(A), amended par.
    (1) generally. Prior to amendment, par. (1) read as follows:
    "willfully and knowingly to enter or remain in
        "(i) any building or grounds designated by the Secretary of the
      Treasury as temporary residences of the President or other person
      protected by the Secret Service or as temporary offices of the
      President and his staff or of any other person protected by the
      Secret Service, or
        "(ii) any posted, cordoned off, or otherwise restricted area of
      a building or grounds where the President or other person
      protected by the Secret Service is or will be temporarily
    in violation of the regulations governing ingress or egress
      Subsec. (a)(2). Pub. L. 109-177, Sec. 602(a)(1)(C), added par.
    (2). Former par. (2) redesignated (3).
      Subsec. (a)(3). Pub. L. 109-177, Sec. 602(a)(1)(B), (D),
    redesignated par. (2) as (3), inserted "willfully, knowingly, and"
    before "with intent to impede or disrupt", and substituted
    "described in paragraph (1) or (2)" for "designated in paragraph
    (1)". Former par. (3) redesignated (4).
      Subsec. (a)(4), (5). Pub. L. 109-177, Sec. 602(a)(1)(B), (E),
    (F), redesignated pars. (3) and (4) as (4) and (5), respectively,
    and substituted "described in paragraph (1) or (2)" for "designated
    or enumerated in paragraph (1)" in each par.
      Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 109-177, Sec. 602(a)(2), amended subsec. (b)
    generally. Prior to amendment, subsec. (b) read as follows:
    "Violation of this section, and attempts or conspiracies to commit
    such violations, shall be punishable by a fine under this title or
    imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both."
      Subsecs. (d) to (f). Pub. L. 109-177, Sec. 602(a)(3),
    redesignated subsecs. (e) and (f) as (d) and (e), respectively, and
    struck out former subsec. (d) which read as follows: "The Secretary
    of the Treasury is authorized -
        "(1) to designate by regulations the buildings and grounds
      which constitute the temporary residences of the President or
      other person protected by the Secret Service and the temporary
      offices of the President and his staff or of any other person
      protected by the Secret Service, and
        "(2) to prescribe regulations governing ingress or egress to
      such buildings and grounds and to posted, cordoned off, or
      otherwise restricted areas where the President or other person
      protected by the Secret Service is or will be temporarily
      1994 - Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 103-322, which directed the amendment
    of this section by substituting "under this title" for "not more
    than $500", was executed in subsec. (b) by substituting "under this
    title" for "not exceeding $500" to reflect the probable intent of
      1984 - Subsec. (f). Pub. L. 98-587 amended subsec. (f) generally,
    substituting "any person whom the United States Secret Service is
    authorized to protect under section 3056 of this title when such
    person has not declined such protection" for "any person authorized
    by section 3056 of this title or by Public Law 90-331, as amended,
    to receive the protection of the United States Secret Service when
    such person has not declined such protection pursuant to section
    3056 of this title or pursuant to Public Law 90-331, as amended".
      1982 - Pub. L. 97-308, Sec. 1(a), substituted "Temporary
    residences and offices of the President and others" for "Temporary
    residence of the President" in section catchline.
      Subsec. (a)(1)(i). Pub. L. 97-308, Sec. 1(b), made one's presence
    unlawful at designated temporary residences and temporary offices
    of any other person protected by the Secret Service.
      Subsec. (a)(1)(ii). Pub. L. 97-308, Sec. 1(c), inserted "or other
    person protected by the Secret Service" after "President".
      Subsec. (d)(1). Pub. L. 97-308, Sec. 1(d), authorized regulations
    for designation of the temporary residences and the temporary
    offices of any other person protected by the Secret Service.
      Subsec. (d)(2). Pub. L. 97-308, Sec. 1(e), inserted "or other
    person protected by the Secret Service" after "President".
      Subsec. (f). Pub. L. 97-308, Sec. 1(f), added subsec. (f).


      For transfer of the functions, personnel, assets, and obligations
    of the United States Secret Service, including the functions of the
    Secretary of the Treasury relating thereto, to the Secretary of
    Homeland Security, and for treatment of related references, see
    sections 381, 551(d), 552(d), and 557 of Title 6, Domestic
    Security, and the Department of Homeland Security Reorganization
    Plan of November 25, 2002, as modified, set out as a note under
    section 542 of Title 6.
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