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40 Convictions
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    18 USC Sec. 846                                             01/05/2009


                  EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS


    Sec. 846. Additional powers of the Attorney General


      (a) The Attorney General is authorized to inspect the site of any
    accident, or fire, in which there is reason to believe that
    explosive materials were involved, in order that if any such
    incident has been brought about by accidental means, precautions
    may be taken to prevent similar accidents from occurring. In order
    to carry out the purpose of this subsection, the Attorney General
    is authorized to enter into or upon any property where explosive
    materials have been used, are suspected of having been used, or
    have been found in an otherwise unauthorized location. Nothing in
    this chapter shall be construed as modifying or otherwise affecting
    in any way the investigative authority of any other Federal agency.
    In addition to any other investigatory authority they have with
    respect to violations of provisions of this chapter, the Federal
    Bureau of Investigation, together with the Bureau of Alcohol,
    Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, shall have authority to conduct
    investigations with respect to violations of subsection (d), (e),
    (f), (g), (h), or (i) of section 844 of this title.
      (b) The Attorney General is authorized to establish a national
    repository of information on incidents involving arson and the
    suspected criminal misuse of explosives. All Federal agencies
    having information concerning such incidents shall report the
    information to the Attorney General pursuant to such regulations as
    deemed necessary to carry out the provisions of this subsection.
    The repository shall also contain information on incidents
    voluntarily reported to the Attorney General by State and local


    (Added Pub. L. 91-452, title XI, Sec. 1102(a), Oct. 15, 1970, 84
    Stat. 959; amended Pub. L. 104-208, div. A, title I, Sec. 101(f)
    [title VI, Sec. 654(a)], Sept. 30, 1996, 110 Stat. 3009-314, 3009-
    369; Pub. L. 107-296, title XI, Sec. 1112(e)(2), (3), Nov. 25,
    2002, 116 Stat. 2276.)


      2002 - Pub. L. 107-296, Sec. 1112(e)(3), substituted "Attorney
    General" for "Secretary" in section catchline.
      Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 107-296, Sec. 1112(e)(3), substituted
    "Attorney General" for "Secretary" in two places.
      Pub. L. 107-296, Sec. 1112(e)(2), substituted "the Federal Bureau
    of Investigation, together with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
    Firearms, and Explosives" for "the Attorney General and the Federal
    Bureau of Investigation, together with the Secretary".
      Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 107-296, Sec. 1112(e)(3), substituted
    "Attorney General" for "Secretary" wherever appearing.
      1996 - Pub. L. 104-208 designated existing provisions as subsec.
    (a) and added subsec. (b).
                     EFFECTIVE DATE OF 2002 AMENDMENT
      Amendment by Pub. L. 107-296 effective 60 days after Nov. 25,
    2002, see section 4 of Pub. L. 107-296, set out as an Effective
    Date note under section 101 of Title 6, Domestic Security.
      Section 101(f) [title VI, Sec. 654(b)] of div. A of Pub. L. 104-
    208 provided that: "There is authorized to be appropriated such
    sums as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this
    subsection [probably means "this section" which amended this
      Pub. L. 106-554, Sec. 1(a)(3) [title VI, Sec. 626], Dec. 21,
    2000, 114 Stat. 2763, 2763A-162, provided that: "Hereafter, the
    Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to establish scientific
    certification standards for explosives detection canines, and shall
    provide, on a reimbursable basis, for the certification of
    explosives detection canines employed by Federal agencies, or other
    agencies providing explosives detection services at airports in the
    United States."
      Similar provisions were contained in the following prior
    appropriation acts:
      Pub. L. 106-58, title VI, Sec. 630, Sept. 29, 1999, 113 Stat.
      Pub. L. 105-277, div. A, Sec. 101(h) [title VI, Sec. 640], Oct.
    21, 1998, 112 Stat. 2681-480, 2681-526.
      Pub. L. 105-61, title VI, Sec. 627, Oct. 10, 1997, 111 Stat.
      Pub. L. 104-208, div. A, title I, Sec. 101(f) [title VI, Sec.
    653(a)], Sept. 30, 1996, 110 Stat. 3009-314, 3009-369.
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